The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)

The nn "3 i a i 1 it ran SPORTS ALLEY By Al Nsy Phoggy Blast Ossie Solem Is Through as Syracuse Grid Coach Syracuse. N. Y. (AP) Oscar M. (Ossie) Solem is through as Syra-cuse university football coach after nine years.

The former University of Minnesota football star submitted his resignation to Athletic Director Lewis Andreas Monday night with "no regrets." Chancellor William P. Tolley announced that the resignation had Waterloo and Cedar Falls prep basketball teams are rolling along at a fast early season clip, and records compiled Tuesday morning show that the seven clubs In the tv cities have racked 23 varsity game victories in 32 starts Four of the nine losses charged against Waterloo and Cedar Falls quintets were to other teams from one of the two cities. The team records as of Tuesday morning: Op, W. L. Tin.

Pt. 1945 AP All-America FIRST TEAM. Position Flayer and College Class Ace lit. Wt End Hubert Bechtol, Texas Junior 19 6.1 190 Tackle Dewltt Coulter, Army 21 6-S 220 Guard Warren Amllng, Ohio State 20 6-0 197 Center Vaughn Mancha, Alabama Soph, 23 6-0 248 Guard John Green, Army 21 5-H 190 Tackle Albert Nemets, Army Senior 22 6-0 191 End Richard Duden, Navy Senior 20 6-2 203 Bark Herman Wedemeyer, St 21 5-10 174 Bark 'Robert Fenlmore, Okla. A.

20 6-1 190 Back 'Glenn pavis, Army Soph. 20 5-9 172 Back 'Felix Blanchard, Soph. 20 6-0 205 'Repeaters SECOND TEAM. THIRD TEAM. Max Morris Henry Walker (Virginia) Thomas Dean (So.

Meth.) Clarence Esser (Wisconsin) John Mastrangelo (N. Al Sparlis (U.C.L.A.) Richard Scott (Navy) C. Ralph Jenkins (Clemson) Joseph Dickerson (Penn) Jim Lecture (Northwestern) Jim Kekeris (Missouri) George Savitsky (Penn.) Henry Foldberg (Army) Armstrong (Okla. A. AM.) Frank Dancewics (N.

Dame) George Taliaferro (Indiana) Harry Gilmer (Alabama) Clyde Scott (Navy) Peter Pihos (Indiana) Stan Koslowskl (Holy Cross) Ollle Cllne (Ohio State) Robert Evans (Penn.) Bosses Give Commissioner Paradoxical Confidence Vote Chicago (AP) Commissioner A. B. (Happy) Chandler had a paradoxical vote of confidence from his baseball bosses, six minor leagues were promoted a notch, and two National league doormats had launched a 1946 rebuilding program as the major leagues moved into the second day of their winter meeting Tuesday. Chandler, rebuffed by the minor leagues at their annual eonrlave In Columbus last week, was depicted by the majors a) a victim of "misunderstanding," but also defined as a commissioner without the dictatorial power of his predecessor, the late Kenesaw Mountain Land is. The majors approved the amendment to the major-minor agreement adopted by the minors last week which removes from the commissioner autnority to rule baseball legislation "detrimental." Deen accepted.

OLVA and OIA'A 5 West 5 Teachers 133 168 151 94 59 212 99 158 209 217 105 102 216 83 This was the same rule adopted Downtown East Teachers Sacred Heart. St Mary's Fight Results. (By ih Associated Prtssl Pittsburgh Sammy Angott, 142. Washington, outpointed Danny Kapllow, 140, Brooklyn HOi, at Home The unbeaten OLVA basketball five will be host to Sacred Heart Tuesday night in the first meeting of the two quintets his season. by the majors a few weeks after Landis' death in November, 1944, and before Chandler became commissioner.

0 It was not the intent, the majors said after a joint session Monday, to "take away any of the commissioner's authority to investigate, determine and punish conduct detrimental to baseball." He can still suggest reconsideration by the magnates of legislation he considers "impractical or disadvantageous" to baseball, but the Dr. Forrest C. (rhog) Allen. Kansas V. basketball coach, again blasts his pet hate professionalism in college athletics.

Ills latest: College "bowl" football teams are "more professional than the Chicago Bears." Totals 23 9 1,090 916 George (Pudgy) Webber, Our Lady of Victory academy ace, is the current individual scoring leader among players of the seven teams He has averaged 19.2 points a game for five games on totals of 14, 25, 22, 12 and 23 points. His 25 points against Sacred Heart of Oelwein established a high for one game for the season so far. The 10 scoring leaders, based on Courier box scores: OLVA may play without the services of Don Welbes, star guard, who has an infected foot. St. Mary's travels to Denver to take on the high school quintet there.

Iowa State Teachers college The athletic governing board said that no successor would be announced for a week or ten days, but at least five prominent football personalities were reported unofficially in the running for the post Clarence (Biggie) Munn. line coach at the University of Michigan, was said to have the inside track. Others mentioned frequently have been Hugh Devore of Notre Dame, Harry Mehre, recently resigned as University of Mississippi eoach; Lynn Waldorf of Northwestern and Buff Donnelli of Columbia, Solem's resignation had been rumored since the close of the 1945 season when his Orangemen turned in a lone victory out of seven starts. He had one more year to serve on a 10-year contract. Solem did not disclose future plans.

He holds the rank of full professor at the university. He eame to Syracuse in 1937 as successor to Vic Hanson after coaching at Grinnell, Luther, Drake and the University of Iowa, His Syracuse teams won 30, lost 27 and tied six games in eight years. Syracuse had no team in 1943. Iowa State Clips Drake WATERLOO, IOWA. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1945 PAGE NINE 9 Five, 46-42 Thompson, Sportsmen Elect Gerry Milo F.

Gerry, 827 Newton street and author of the Sunday Courier's "Game Bag'' column, was elected president of United Sportsmen at the annual meeting of the board of directors of the organization Monday. urn rt. a. 44 19.1 4 til (I ft 13.5 St 70 SI 10 Jl.fl 5 11 IS g.3 ID 11 40 S.I 4 It 6 SO 1.S 5 11 SI 1.4 10 I 22 1.3 I II 1 43 1.1 Des Moines (V-Iowa State col lege won its second basketball game here Monday night but had to battle a stubborn Drake quintet down to the final gun before edging out the Bulldogs, 46-42. will play St.

Ambrose at the Teachers fieldhouse starting at p. m. The Cedar Falls Downtown high cagers play at Waverly against the Go-Hawks. The Tigers will play Oelwein at Cedar Falls Friday night HAWKS FACE S. D.

STATE. Iowa City, la. The Iowa Hawkeyes, riding high with an 81-points-per-game average for three previous victories, will meet South Dakota State Tuesday night in their fourth non-conference basketball tilt. South Dakota State lost to Loras at Dubuque Monday night, 47-56. Murray Wier, forward, is the team's high scorer to date with a total of 44 points.

Dick Ives 'follows with 30. Hudson Mauls Fritzie Zivic Named vice presidents were Grant Wilson, Roy W. Smith and Ben Heber. Harold Cady was named secretary-treasurer; Auldtn Robinson, recording secretary; Ted Lasley, warden; Joe Waller, guide, and Earl Fisher, Ralph W. Cook, Franklin R.

Robinson, trustees. Construction and Schukei's Pace League The Schukei motor quintet and the Construction Machinery five remained in a tie for first place in the YMCA Industrial league Monday night as each chalked its Third win without a loss. The Motor five defeated Dixie Chicken Basket, 35-31, behind the shooting of Wayne Gaddis, who caged 12 points. Construction downed Chamberlains' Boosters, 37-23. The John Deere Tractor team swamped Uptown Roller Rink, 55-13, and the College Hill Merchants nosed out Rath's Black Hawks, The Cyclones trailed nearly all of the first half but quick baskets near the end by Jim Stark and Joe Hicks put the visitors out In front at the intermission, 25-24.

Scoring honors were shared by Stark and Don Siefken of Drake with 16 counters each. owners can override his veto, which they couldn't do to Landis under the old code. They'll need a three-fourths majority to veto a Chandler act. The unofficial highlight of the opening session was the sale by the Cincinnati Reds of Veteran First Baseman Frank (Buck) McCormick to the Philadelphia Phillies for a reported $30,000 in cash and one player to be named later. Thus the Phils, last in the 1945' National circuit race, have done the only real bartering of the minor-major sessions.

At Columbus, the Phils obtained Pitcher Johnny Humphries from the Chicago White Sox. The Reds seemed unconcerned over the departure of McCormick, 32, who was most valuable National league player in 1940 and a veteran of eight full seasons at Cincinnati. 00 The Redlegs, who finished seventh last season, admitted they were breaking up their infield and planned to rebuild a youthful com-bination next year around Shortstop Eddie Miller. The majors approved the boost of the International league, American Association and Pacific Coast league to "AAA" classification; the Southern association and Texas league to and the South Atlantic league to Thus the top minor league clubs have attained long ambition New York (U.R) Cecil Hudson, brawny young Negro from Los Angeles, left-handed a thorough trouncing to Sgt. Fritzie Zivic, 32- L.

W. Patrick, past president, year-old ex-welterweight champion, was elected to the senior post of TED LYONS TO JOIN WHITE SOX IN 1946 Chicago (INS) Ted Lyons, 45-year-old righthanded pitcher, was assured a job Tuesday with the Chicago White Sox next season. Lyons notified Mgr. Jimmy Dykes he had released from the marines and wanted his old job back. "He will get a Sunday pitching job or become a coach," said Dykes.

at Madison Square garden Mon-1 chairman of the board of airec day although flat-nosed I tors. Other directors: Wesley Haynes, S. F. Mooers, R. E.

Porter. Hugh Roder, James Ferguson, HORSE BRINGS $4,000. London WV- The lace horse Stardust has been sold by the Aga Khan to a breeding syndicate for the record price of $448,10, it jvas disclosed Tuesday. The price paid was $48,000, more than the Aga Khan's son, Prince Aly Khan, received for the St Leger winner, Tehran, last week. Iowa State FT Drake FT Stark.

6 4 0 Prosperl.f 113 Buck.f 4 3 4 Flick, 3 0 1 Kilgariff.f 0 0 0 Siefken.e SSI Hicks.c J03 Pritchard.c 000 Norman. 0 15 1 3 1 Pedersen.g 3 0 1 Stefko.g 1 0 5 Uknes.f 0 0 0 Bindas.g 3 1 4 Pflum.i 1 0 0 Mims.g 0 10 Deal.c 10 2 Duval.g 0 0 1 Babbitt, 0 0 0 Dahlke.g 10 0 Totals 19 8 16 Totals 13 12 16 Fritzie managed to last out the 10 dreary rounds. Zivic, suffering his ninth defeat in his last 10 starts, landed hardly a solid, punch during this "rumba of the reluctant right hands," much to the disappointment of 7,481 fans who were hoping that th old maestro from Pittsburgh might register an upset Aver Hudson, the 3-1 favorite. W. Baldwin, Darrell L.

Don Roehr, Marvin Ferguson, Richard Nottger, Wayne Pittman, Robert Barron and George Gipe. LORAS COLLEGE DOWNS SOUTH DAKOTA STATE Dubuque, la. (U.R) Loras college Providence Mary Servo, 143. Schen-ectady. N.

stopped Freddie Camuso, 151 Fall River, Mass. 15). Score at half: Iowa Stale 25, Drake 24. Missed free throws: Stark 2. Buck, Kilgariff.

Hicks, Duvall, Dahlke. Petersen 3. Flick 2. Siefken 3. Bindas 2.

Officials: Jack North of Highland Park; Vic Young of Colorado. held its second win of the ball season today after defeating Brown-skinned Cecil, who re- South Dakota State 56-47 here fused to sit down in his corner Monday night, between rounds, won the unani-1 Loras held a 22 point lead the mous decision by a lop-sided mar- last few minutes of the game with for higher player draft prices in the case of the three former class A a hike from $7,500 to gin, but he might have registered the score 53-35, but the Dakota A Complete Welding Service AT YOUR DISPOSAL A Modern Shop and Portable Equipment See us for prices on steel wheel change over to rubber! NO JOB IS TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL Iowa Machine Heat-Treat Co. 207 Center St. Dial 3918 Night, 6456 or 9596 a knockout had he used both quintet rallied to narrow the mar- $10,000 per player. 00 hands instead of merely the left.

gin to nine points, Key OI.VA; D. Cedar Falli Downtown; West Waterloo; 8H, Sacred Heart Waterloo; BM, St. Mary'i Waterloo; Cedar Falli Teachers. Scoring notes: Three of OLVA's five victories have been scored by margins of one, two and three points. In three of East's four games, the winner scored 25 points.

West high has made 37 points twice and 36 twice in six games. Downtown of Cedar Falls fell under 40 points just once. That was when the Tigers lost, 41-39, to West. DOWNTOWN RACKED THE TOP TEAM SCORE TO DATE WHEN IT BEAT CHARLES CITY, 54-40. More Work for Officials: Basketball officials don't especially care for one of the minor changes made this season.

A standard set of signals for officials has been adopted, and they are regard, ed as the official signals for the entire nation. All signals which involve stopping the clock are to be given with the hand extended above the head. Whenever the official holds his hand directly above his head open or closed the timer will know the clock should be stopped. When the official signals an act which does not involve stopping the clock, the signal is given at waist height or face height. That part of the signal system Is fine, but signals for fouls are a bit more complicated.

In general, the signals illustrate the act which is involved. Holding is signaled by grasping the wrist, and hacking is indicated by a chopping motion of one hand across the opposite forearm. Pushing and charging are signaled by the customary pushing motion, but imagine the antics an official will have to go through to indicate such things as climbing on another player's back, and WON'T IT BE NICE WHEN THE BOYS IN STRIPES DO A HULA TO INDICATE HIPPING? Alley pickings: The Waterloo Industrial Base ball league presented a watch to Chase Hammond when he left his director i of recreation post here recently. Prep Sports BOYS AT BOCK FALLS 43, NOBA SPRINGS 11 GIRLS AT ROCK FALLS 19, NORA SPRINGS St AT CLl'TIER 87, I'RBANA 23. High for Clutier: Sicnknect 19.

High for Urbana: D. Ramsey 16. Hudson explained later, "I was The bigwigs huddled in a joint I broke it 14 times before." While Hudson a protege of Loras FT S. T. St.

FT 8 0 2 DeBoer.l 1 1 2 Lynch.f 3 1 4 Willls.f 3 11 Ottavi.f 5 3 2 Engstrom.f 0 0 0 Slattery.c 3 3 2 Hanson.f 2 0 1 Moran.g 4 0 3 Shefte.f 1 0 1 Kutsch.g 111 Thornlon.e 843 Budden.g 0 0 1 Murphy.c 10 0 Gaynor.g 2 0 1 Maxwell. 2 3 2 Wandro.g 0 0 0 Griffin.g 12 1 Larson, 0 0 1 Totals 248 18 Totals 18 11 12 Con. Mach. FT Cham. Bts.

FT Uze 0 0 1 Strohecker 5 12 Sissel 0 0 0 Cole 0 0 2 Kortem'er 4 14 Blsdorf 1 0 1 1 Benedict 110 Claus 10 2 Ve'n Siedel 3 11 Wagner SOS Vie Siedel 3 3 2 Brenan 0 0 0. Coon rod 10 1 Bruner 10 2 Gohring 2 3 1 Totals 14 11 Totals 11 1 14 Officials: Bender and Rawlings, Schukeii FT Dixie Chic. FT GarmU 5 2 2 J. McC'bi 2 0 2' Stahr 4 0 2 Shearer 2 0 1, Wumkej 2 12 Kieth 1 0 0 Casey 1.1 2 Hientz 0 0 3 Burman 3 10 Elkema 5 11 Orvia 0 0 0 Thomas 2 12 Lemon 0 0 0 Nottger 2 10 Totals 15 5 8 Totals 14 3 Officials: Ulien and Scheppele, Col'ge Hill FT Rath's B.H. FT Sell 2 1 2 Klenzman 4 1 0 Gorman 2 0 2 Leonard 0 0 0 Chambers 10 3 Graske 2 1 1 Dickinson 10 1 Evans 0 0 0 Madsen 12 1 Kristensen 0 0 2 Mehe 0 0 0 Freese 3 0 0 Kuril 2 0 0 Ransom 2 0 5 Faker 0 2 0 Peterson 0 0 0 Abel 3 0 0 Totals 12 5 9 Totals 13 2 8 Officials: Bender and Rawlings, J.

Deeres FT Uptown Lucas 5 3 1 Roll. Rink FT Watson 5 4 1 B. Frank'n 1 2 0 Norman 2 13 Rogers 0 0 3 Buckles 2 11 "Turner '001 Buehner 5 0 2 Herberts 0 3 4 Olsen 13 3 McCoombs 0 11 Van Ee 111 Terhune 001 Cluts 3 0 3 Starbury 110 Totals 21 13 12 Totals 4 5 13 Henry Armstrong was leaping in. and spearing ancient, semi-bald i Fritzie with left jabs, the fans! waited for Zivic to lash out with his own famous right and smash Hudson on his little chin, But they waited in vain, because Score at half Loras 25. State 18.

Missed free throws Knipschield 2, Lynch 1, Slattery 3, Hanson 4, Willis 2, Shefte 2, Thornton 2, Maxwell 4, Griffin 1. Officials Bob Austin of St. Ambrose; Max Lynn of Clinton, Fritzie too apparently was waiting for a pot-shot opening that never came. Only in the ninth and 10th did Zivic open up with his right, 'and then he missed or grazed with it. CENTRAL TAKES PARSONS.

Pella, la. (U.R) Central college Monday chalked up an easy 49-28 v. i jketball squad. I Central led throughout the game, and after a speedy first half bogged down in the second to slow but action. Leading scorers for the Central quintet were Chuck Dewild with I '15 and Ken Ebber with 13.

Pacing Parsons was Robert Welch, tallying Officials: Illian and Scheppele. American-National league session to study the plea of the Pacific Coast league to become a third major league, but deferred action until Wednesday's closing joint meeting with Commissioner Chandler. Latest lobby rumors were that the Boston Braves had the inside track on Catcher Walker Cooper if the St. Louis Cardinals will put the receiver on the block after he gets out of the navy and also may get Outfielder Johnny Hopp from the same club. Several other clubs want Third Sacker Whitey Kurowski from the Cards, but New Manager Eddie Dyer has nixed all bidders.

CAGE RESULTS. MONDAY. South. Auburn 55. Mississippi State 47, Ohio 72, Denison 85.

Bainbridge Naval Training Station 45, Ft. Meade 31. Richmond S4, Union Theological Seminary Sfl. Morehead. Teachers 4A.

Marshall 41. Norfolk, Navy 42, Aberdeen, Proving Ground 8. Eastern Kentucky Teachers 74, Kentucky Wesleyan 53. Southern Illinois Normal University 53, Western Kentucky 4. Mldweit.

Baldwin Wallace fit. Kent State 44. Phillips 511. Warrenshurg Slate Trhrs. SO.

Bowling Green (Ohio) Crile Hospital 31. Bowling Green 75, Defiance 34 (don-bleheader). Denver 70, Grinnell SI. Ball State Al, Manchester SB. Mayville, N.

Teachers 27, Moore-head, Teachers tS. Iowa State 4A, Drake 42. Loias College South Dakota Slate 47. Alma 41, Hillsdale (Mich) 40. Belott 44, Kipoo 37.

Indiana State 47, Eastern Illinois 45. Northwestern 7, DePauw 3A. University of Chicago 4, Naval Reserve Armory (Chicago) 3D. Northern Illinois Teachers 37, Camp Grant, 32. St.

John 40, Wahpeton (NO) Tchrs. 35. Oklahoma 43, Will Rogers Field 34. Central (la) 49, Parsons 26. Although most of the experts and fans agreed that Zivic looked "washed up" and that he should retire for his own welfare, Frit-lie declared in the dressing room, "I wasn't sharp tonight because I'm still in the army, and I couldn't do the right kind of training.

But I expect to get my discharge Thursday. You'll see a big deference in my next fight." He is scheduled to box at Boston next Tuesday, and at Milwaukee on New Year's day. Zivic, in his 16th year as a pro MAY RETAIN FROSH RULE. San Francisco, Cat (JP) The Pacific coast athletic conference has virtually decided to retain the wartime emergency rule permitting freshmen to play varsity football, sources close to the conference said at the opening Monday of the annual winter nine. DENVER BEATS GRINNELL.

Grinnell, la. U.R Denver's touring Pioneers thumped a weak fessional boxer and in his 17th Grinnell quintet here last night. garden main event, made one of 70-31, in the Coloradoans second Iowa high schools with less than 1 101 students enrolled as of the first Monday of December will be classified as teams for the purpose i of basketball tournament play this season. game of their Iowa invasion. the worst showings of his career.

None of the three ring officials gave him more than two rounds and one of those rounds, the third, was awarded him on a foul because The Rocky mountain cagemen were never in trouble and led at halftime, 34 to 17. Jack Hauser, Denver forward, led scorers with of Hudson's low blows. nine field goals and three free Some of the fans, who paid a throws for 21 points, while Bob gross gate of $22,575, began leav- Eaton, Junior Grinnell center, ing the garden before the bout caged eight to lead his mates, was finished. Hudson fighting his first garden Basketball nv in evert, scaled 151 pounds to Fritzie's 15014. PROTECT YOURSELF PLACE AT Osage, la.

(Special) Two Waterloo bowlers were among the leaders in the three-weeKend Osage classic that was completed here Sunday, according to the prize list announced Tuesday. Walt Harm-sen of Waterloo finished third and Frank Anderson of Waterloo eighth. E. Besterfeldt of Spring Valley won the $100 first prize with his score of 810. Pete Klob-erdanz of Osage won the second place $75 prize.

Harmsen, six pins out of first place, won $50. Other leaders finished in the following order: Jim Gallentine, Austin. Harold Morem, Spring Valley; Jack McCaskey. Boone; Roy Gaennerman, Newton; Anderson; Doc Johnson, Albert Lea, Dale Carey, Charles City; E. Smo-lik, Orchard.

The entry list was 338. BY BUYING COAL NOW! EXPECT LONDON TO BE SITE OF '48 OLYMPICS New-York (U.R) London is virtually certain to be the site of the 1948 Olympics, with San Moritz host to the winter Olympics, it was revealed Monday at the annual meeting of the U. S. A. sports federation, which changed its name to the U.

S. Olympic association. Avery Brundage of Chicago was re-elected president. He has held the post since 1929. However, a new set of officers will work with him.

Kenneth Wilson, Big Ten conference commissioner, was elected vice president, Owen Van Camp of Chicago was named treasurer, and Asa Bushnell of New York is the new secretary. REMEMBER WHEN? Chicago (P) Times have 4) An Iowa High School Athletic association coaching school is scheduled for Des Moines Dec. 28. THE IHSAA ABSORBED A LOSS OF $2,008.03 ON ITS FALL BASEBALL TOURNAMENTS. Among the newest members of thethe IHSAA is St.

Joseph's of Top Iowa State Teachers college scorer in its two games is Jim Maetzold, who racked 30 and 13 for a 21.5 average. Don Dutcher got 27 in the two so far. Ed Gison has been elected president of East high's Trojan club of letterwinners. George Tesla is vice prexy, and Jim McKinstry the secretary. General admission spectators for the Illinois-Iowa basketball game Dec.

22, at Iowa City will get a break. The first and second north balconies will be opened to them because Christmas vacation starts at noon and Iowa students who usually occupy the seats, will be en route home. The plan will be in force only for the Illinois game, because the entire north side of the fieldhouse will be held for students for the other Big Ten conference games, Watch for C. V. Anderson of Waterloo to return to golf proing out of town next spring.

MRS. PRESENTS BOB WITH LITTLE FELLER Chicago (JPh-Bob Feller, Cleveland's pitching ace, excitedly telephoned from nearby Waukegan Tuesday to announce the arrival of a seven pound, nine ounce boy. It's the Fellers' first youngtter. "I hope he'll be another right nander, but he's a little guy right now," Feller said. The Fellers were married Jan.

16, 1943. DIAL 6606 AND BUY A SIZE FOR EVERY PURPOSE NORTHEAST IOWA SCHEDULE. THURSDAY. Alden at Owasa. Lime Springs at Ridgewaj.

Uncbford at Denver. FRIDAY. North Des Moines at Weat Waterloo, Teachers high at Ackler. Hansell at Iowa Kalis. Dunkertnn at Jesup.

Little Cedar at Orchard. Apllngton at Greene. Sumner at West Union. Crest Assumption at Chester. Osage al Charles City.

Shell Rock at Clarksville. Clermont at Lawler at Calmar. Dumont at New Hartford. Hudson at Dike. Gentses at Orange.

Elkader at Strawberry Point. Msynard at Fayette. Postvltle at Monona. Cresco at Waukan. Clear Lake at Hampton.

Harmony, at Decorah. Nashua at Tripoli. Frederika at Plalnfield. Waverly at New Hampton, Readlys) at Lament. (iladbrook at (iarwin.

Aurora al lairbank. Plymouth at Nora Springs. Parkersburg at Allison. St. Mary's Waterloo at Sacred Heart Oelwein.

Dysart at Dlnadale. Tama al Brooklyn. Ricevllla at Immaculate Conception. Anameta at Manchester. Toledo al Marengo.

Grundy Center al Relnbeck. FJma al Colwell. Marlon, al Independence, Eldora al Traer. Vinton al La Porta City. Carpenter at Mclntlra.

St. Joseph's al Marble Rock. Alta VUta at Charles City 1CA. SL John's Independence at Quasqia-Ion. Campion Prairie da Chltn, al Lansing.

ATI RD AT. Wet Waterloo al Loras Dubuque. North Dei Moines al East Waterloo. changed for Football Coach Bernie1 Bierman of Minnesota in the ban-, quet circuit. Bierman, whose 1945 Gophers' Lots of people have their hands full this time of year.

For us, December 24 and 25 are always busy days Seven-Up bumped Fish Sign out of second place In the West Side Business Mens bowling league Mondav by sweeping its series. Repass took second. Few good scores were turned in as the men were shooting nt new pins. WEST SIDE BISINESS MEN. Repass Auto 3, Popular Cigar 1.

C. O'Green 538 and 211. Seven-Up 4. Fish Sign Service O. Don Bandfleld 510, Ralph Kroy 187.

Salerno Biscuit 4. DeLorbe Clo. 0. R. Bitter 477, Cecil Klein 203.

Courier 3. Hlnson Mfg. Co. 1. Ralph Theirman 498 and 195.

JOHN DEERE OWLS. Heat Treat No, 2 4. Unit No. 3 0. Dean 200, Dean 542.

K. Building 2, Heat Treat No. 1 2. Sterrett 193, and 507. Heat Treat No.

3 3. Sheet Metal 1. Powell 228. Tretter 55. Heat Treat No.

3 1029, No. 2 2001. at Long Distance switchboards and they will be busier than ever this Christmas, Please make only necessary calls over the holidays. were voted the flop of the year in the Associated Press poll of sports writers, attended a banquet closing the Big Ten's winter meeting with the comment: "I'm certainly glad to be here. Our staff user to be swamped with post-season speaking engagements.

Now we have to hunt them down." Philadelphla-Billv 148 Philadelphia, outpointed Ralph Zanelli, 142i. Providence, R. 1101, Ice Fuel Go. NORTHWESTERN iEU TELEPHONE COMPANY Dial 6606 I 106 E. 9th 4.

The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)


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Is there a Costco coming to Waterloo, Iowa? ›

Costco is officially opening in Waterloo on Tuesday. On Nov. 8 at 7:30 a.m., Costco general manager and vice-president Pierre Riel will kickoff the wholesale warehouse opening with a ceremony.

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Where is the waybill number courier guy? ›

You can get the waybill number from The Courier Guy or the sender (if you are the recipient of the shipment). It is usually found on the shipping invoice or receipt.

What is Cedar Falls, Iowa known for? ›

Cedar Falls is home to the University of Northern Iowa, a public university. Cedar Falls along with neighboring city Waterloo, Iowa are the two principal municipalities within the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area.

What is Ulysses Courier number? ›

EDIT: Ulysses also says himself that HE was Courier 6; from his dialogue file in Lonesome Road, when you ask him who he is and what he wants: "I'm a courier. Courier Six... was Courier Six. Like you - and not like you, in all the ways that matter".

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.